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Rebellion as conventionalism, change as change, for instance …

To just talk of “punk” to imply different branches that grew out of a “movement critical of conformity” misses to differentiate between almost opposing directions that evolved over the decades: in other words just compare the activism (or non-activism) of any punk-type of deal …

it’s kind of ridiculous to trace everything diy socio-critical independent and so forth back to a handful of musicians and hover around in a constant mood of self-appraisal if “you where there”.

just look out for observations about sexism and punk and you had enough of it. You won’t even find too much critical self-reflection as in regards to a lot of other -ism type of things. Also, generally speaking, why are so many female punks such also constant enablers of what has been criticized already from within by genderwise differing individuals since decades.

the question is if you want to judge a movement by its first initial steps and motivations or if you want to be realistic about its developments and its outcomes.

as far as the developments and outcomes are concerned they obviously vary to a large degree.

overall i’d say there is something self-delusional about all the non-activist punks that were more about band cults than socially-critical awareness. To sum things up: every speciesist punk is a useless waste of time. It’s just how it is.

doesn’t account for today’s hardcore

And hardcore and hardcore
are all lose ends
and can only be sensibly sorted
by content and politicalness or lack of THAT.

Socially uncritical punk, like […]
can’t be tied to political hardcore,

Hence punk means a crossroads too.

It’s one of these past/present reactions,
like we observe them these days too with many being frustrated about this unstoppable flexibility of history in that sense.

rev. 04.01.2024


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