Check out our Antispe Arts Music project, a trinity consisting of > and A statement describing our project can be read here > Rebellion as conventionalism, change as change, for instance … To just talk of “punk” to imply different branches that grew out of a “movement critical of conformity” misses to differentiate between almost opposing directions that evolved over the decades: in other words just compare the activism (or non-activism) of any punk-type of deal … it’s kind of ridiculous to trace everything diy socio-critical independent and so forth back to a handful of…Continue readingChange rebellion
Tag: Anarcho-Punk
Übersetzung von > Punk 1981 / Gesellschaftkritik > Crass – Where Next Columbus Von ihrem 1981er Album: Penis Envy > ; [Links 02.11.2024] Die Übersetzung ist dem englischen Originaltext hier gegenübergestellt zu lesen in > Antispe Ability 2024 / 2 > > Wohin geht es als nächstes Kolumbus? Des einen Hoffnung, des andern Spiel, Des einen Verlust, des andern Gewinn, Des einen Lüge, des andern Wahrheit, Des einen Zweifel, des andern Beweis, Des einen Links, des andern Rechts, Des einen Frieden, des andern Kampf, Des einen Namen, des andern Ziel, Des einen Sturz, des andern Ruhm,…Continue readingÜbersetzung: Where Next Columbus (Crass)
Icons Of Filth – Onward Christian Soldiers Playlist by Carfiff Music History on Youtube, WHY SO LIMITED Are we all so mentally restricted to the lives we lead? Fear of our own strength & ability to create is all in the mind so limited When just beyond that barrier lies hope not fear Minds so limited Why so limited? Minds so limited You’re so limited — MENTALLY MURDERED Living up to other peoples expectations is the only quality You need to get on You end up a million miles from the place you started from And become mentally a…Continue readingIcons of Filth – Onward Christian Soldiers (1984)