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Grandparents Yegane / Lück

My grandmother Cobra Yeganeh Arani, born ‘Amali. My grandma’s father was an reknow Ayatollah in his region at his time. He disinherited my granmother for becoming Baha’i. Though later in life my grandmother wasn’t happy with that faith either, as far as I am informed. My grandmother Cobra was an absolute gardening enthusiast. My grandparents had land near Karadsch about 100 hektar in size, a garden called ‘Gondecama’. As children we went there with my parents and it was amazing in every way. My grandparents basically lived in Teheran though an only went occasionally to their garden, where they had people looking after everything when they were away though.

My grandmother Martha Lück geb. König, later Martha Flender. I will write a bit about my grandma Martha later … . Meine Urgroßeltern auf Königs Seite sind Max König und Rosa Kraus. Die Geschwister meiner Großmutter Martha sind Ella König (später Ella Mittelbach verheiratet mir Paul Mittelbach) Kurt König. Martha war die Jüngste, Ella die älteste. Ich hatte eine sehr gutes Verhältnis mit meiner Großtante Ella. Sie lebte in Reichenbach im Vogtland.

Mein Großvater Wilhelm Lück, geboren in Siegen (Westfalen), Darbystischer Prediger der Brüdergemeinde in Stendal, Sachsen-Anhalt.

Mein Großvater Hossein Yeganeh Arani, geboren in Kashan, Iran. Privatier, Gartenenthusiast, Dichter, Freidenker mit ‘baha’iischem’ Background.