fortresses not civic exchange

The vicious circles

Consumerism wins either way. A modernity that unites and everyone can apply to their standards. The only difference is, you now get the hilarious warring forms too. Paradise has long been lost and the attempt to reestablish it can simply not be corrupted. How to sell it then if you…WeiterlesenThe vicious circles

Civic diversity

Way out to the right

The German far right individuals call their foreign support now „loyalists“ that they want to „leave Germany immediately“, they will keep the most stupid ones so to say. Meaning those who maintain a „loyal“ standpoint. I’ve personally given up on anything that has to be seen as going into the…WeiterlesenWay out to the right

fortresses not civic exchange More ways of eliminating the civil society

Vivimos aquí.

Lógicamente, habría que suponer que las mismas personas que creen que Israel no debe formar un Estado también creen que los kurdos u otras minorías étnico-culturales, por ejemplo, ya no tienen derecho a su propio país/territorio. La historia de los apátridas en el momento de la formación de los Estados-nación…WeiterlesenVivimos aquí.

Civic diversity

Colorblind stockmarket stories

Aldi-Germany is just the spot of a partly representative argument about whether ppl placement based on ethnicity factors is either progr. or regr. This has been a long standing discussion that Germany might miss: It can come across as colourwashing and worse … And yes, in racist terms. Besides: Some…WeiterlesenColorblind stockmarket stories

Civic diversity Dazu müssen wir noch etwas schreiben

Biologisch erklärt

Ich wundere mich immernoch, wie viele Menschen an die kanonische/n Menschheitsgeschichte/n glauben. Vermutlich wäre die einzige, die des #anthropozän s – und genau dies ist auch diejenige, die uns am ohnmächtigsten hinterlässt. dearest paul, … — Harm: „I force you to procreate, thus you are a breed … “ We…WeiterlesenBiologisch erklärt

fortresses not civic exchange more short and shorter notes

Need-based analogisms as an instrument

Need-based analogisms as an instrument “Total Liberation” as a dead end road. The one single abstract big evil Partaking in capitalism is also a matter of survival would many people say. Where do you draw the line then? Consumerism? And the other page What is a racialized view of speciesism…WeiterlesenNeed-based analogisms as an instrument

Civic diversity Environmental language fortresses not civic exchange Societal structures from the critics view Speziesismus als eigenstaendige Diskriminierungsform

The anthropogenic imperatives

The anthropogenic imperatives ‘Decolonial’ equally has its way in which is entails hegemonial anthropocentrism. I just heard a basically very typically animal objectifying and biologistically speciesist phrase in the context of a decolonial vegan project, namely the Aotearoa Liberation League > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRpWq-KbX6E accessed 29.09.23. „Is veganism just about the animals…WeiterlesenThe anthropogenic imperatives

Civic diversity Communicational Diversity fortresses not civic exchange Societal structures from the critics view zeitgeschichtliche Heimatkunde

Incorporating the idea of subversion (en/ger/es)

Incorporating the idea of subversion When the system transforms so much as to incorporate subversion Think which points you missed that it works so well Is the system transformed to the amount that subversion becomes the rule of the mass / majority Why should a system not transform enough to…WeiterlesenIncorporating the idea of subversion (en/ger/es)

Allgemein fortresses not civic exchange Offensichtlichkeiten Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH zeitgeschichtliche Heimatkunde zivilgesellschaftliche Vielfalt

National borders and the Animal Rights movement?

National borders and the Animal Rights movement? Image: computer graphic by Farangis Yegane depicting three humanoids with diverse animals in an allusion to „human injestion“ of animality as one huge branch of the ongoing faunacide. Faunacide, ecocide … are happening globally – it’s a matter of multiperspectivity and triangulation to…WeiterlesenNational borders and the Animal Rights movement?

Civic diversity fortresses not civic exchange Offensichtlichkeiten zeitgeschichtliche Heimatkunde zivilgesellschaftliche Vielfalt

Wenn die Universität größer als das Universum im Denken der Menschen wird

Wenn die Universität größer als das Universum im Denken der Menschen wird Einwands-Endloskette, X: Universitäten als Orte, in denen Definitionshoheit durch genormte Methoden von „Wissenaustausch“ und „Wissensgenerierung“ beansprucht wird. Orte, in denen „Denken“ vor allem einen elitären Anspruch vermitteln oder zumindest beipacken möchte. Die Filter wissenschaftlichen Denkens oder wissenschaftlicher Herangehensweisen,…WeiterlesenWenn die Universität größer als das Universum im Denken der Menschen wird