fortresses not civic exchange More ways of eliminating the civil society

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Lógicamente, habría que suponer que las mismas personas que creen que Israel no debe formar un Estado también creen que los kurdos u otras minorías étnico-culturales, por ejemplo, ya no tienen derecho a su propio país/territorio. La historia de los apátridas en el momento de la formación de los Estados-nación…WeiterlesenVivimos aquí.

Civic diversity More ways of eliminating the civil society Offensichtlichkeiten Societal structures from the critics view sozial und global soziale Kodizes zivilgesellschaftliche Vielfalt

Ein völkisches Nazi-Kontinuum (ger/en)

Ein völkisches Nazi-Kontinuum Also dafür, dass sich hier „Nazi“ eingrenzen lassen soll auf Merkmale, die in erster Linie sich-selbst-als-„Biodeutschte“-bezeichnende Menschen festlegen, finde ich, dass etliches hier ziemlich „völkisch“ anmutet. Glaube kaum, dass die Gesinnung sich stets offen zu erkennen gibt. — So for the fact that here „Nazi“ should be…WeiterlesenEin völkisches Nazi-Kontinuum (ger/en)

Civic diversity More ways of eliminating the civil society

Even so

Even so I can’t say this: but if people would at least change what they CAN change. And exactly this is not exactly happening and exactly this is horribly astonishing. There is space to act in certain things. It’s not happening. rev. 28.09.23WeiterlesenEven so

Environmental language fortresses not civic exchange kommunikationsenklaven More ways of eliminating the civil society Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH zeitgeschichtliche Heimatkunde zivilgesellschaftliche Vielfalt

Mitweltenwandern (1)

Geldpaläste aus CO2-neutralem Stahlbeton, Materie sei schlecht – zerquetscht, Kirche erfindet ihren Glauben, aus Gott und Ho, ich bin auch mitten drin aber hier ist ein Schlachtfeld. Das einzig wahre. Statt gerecht zu funktionieren, welche Welt, welches Mit, welche Welt, wessen Zukunft? Leute, die über Ungleichheit empört sind, die aber…WeiterlesenMitweltenwandern (1)

Civic diversity Environmental language fortresses not civic exchange More ways of eliminating the civil society

Companion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode

Companion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode This is a paradox: People choosing rhetorics to address speciesist-eating-behaviour by saying “what about you ate that other Nonhuman then?“ – the carnist approach in circumventing the bigger picture – however saying at the same time: “Do not pass…WeiterlesenCompanion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode

Civic diversity fortresses not civic exchange More ways of eliminating the civil society

Societies can cultivate their evils unhindered

You don’t want to be considered “a perpetrator”, you want to be “free of guilt”, but then, through your actions, you put the other willingly into a position, that ought to be distinguishable for everyone as that of a “victimized”. The evil comes from the source that supposedly ought to…WeiterlesenSocieties can cultivate their evils unhindered

More ways of eliminating the civil society Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH

What’s wrong with Frankfurt am Main

The taste of smear campaign against the former Frankfurt mayor Peter Feldmann ist obvious. Politicians from the federal level, in comparison, don’t get much investigation into the cases the’re involved into and people react with less suspicion about them. Feldmann leaves the SPD in disspointment. Not all is well with…WeiterlesenWhat’s wrong with Frankfurt am Main

More ways of eliminating the civil society

Visual language and its aisles: Yuliy Ganf, at the Restaurant

Yuliy Abramovich Ganf; Ганф, Юлий Абрамович — “This restaurant serves only one person” — Soviet anti-American cartoon from 1953 published in the satirical magazine Krokodil. pic.twitter.com/4HP8cv5MN7 — Propagandopolis (@propagandopolis) April 5, 2021 Image source: https://www.lambiek.net/artists/g/ganf_yuliy.htm > https://www.lambiek.net/artists/image/g/ganf_yuliy/ganf_yuliy_krokodil195304.jpg (29.01.2023) Yuliy Ganf: ‚In America – At This Restaurant Only One Person Is…WeiterlesenVisual language and its aisles: Yuliy Ganf, at the Restaurant