Civic diversity Environmental language fortresses not civic exchange Societal structures from the critics view Speziesismus als eigenstaendige Diskriminierungsform

The anthropogenic imperatives

The anthropogenic imperatives ‘Decolonial’ equally has its way in which is entails hegemonial anthropocentrism. I just heard a basically very typically animal objectifying and biologistically speciesist phrase in the context of a decolonial vegan project, namely the Aotearoa Liberation League > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRpWq-KbX6E accessed 29.09.23. „Is veganism just about the animals…WeiterlesenThe anthropogenic imperatives

fortresses not civic exchange kommunikationsenklaven Societal structures from the critics view soziale Kodizes

Beyond vegan sociology (ger/en/es)

Und es geht weiter Veganismus ist keine Ernährungsweise / Diät > weil Veganismus einem Baustein einer politischen Haltung zum Leben manifestiert, die Tierrechte gleichermaßen ins ethische Mittelfeld rückt wie Menschenrechte und idealer- und vernünftigerweise auch Erdrechte. Und in diesem Zusammenhang kann man dann auch sagen: Tierrechte sind für Tierfreunde nicht…WeiterlesenBeyond vegan sociology (ger/en/es)

Civic diversity Environmental language

The false agenda

The false agenda from greenwashing to the undifferentiatedness of watering down effective approaches to animal rights to keeping human rights a feeble contractualist imbalance Again and again, we have to deal with people who pack animal rights issues into their agendas and benefit massively from the fact that people hope…WeiterlesenThe false agenda

more short and shorter notes

Die Welt ist

Die Welt > in ihren Realitäten und der Faktizität alles Lebenden und Seienden > als Religion.WeiterlesenDie Welt ist

Environmental language fortresses not civic exchange kommunikationsenklaven More ways of eliminating the civil society Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH zeitgeschichtliche Heimatkunde zivilgesellschaftliche Vielfalt

Mitweltenwandern (1)

Geldpaläste aus CO2-neutralem Stahlbeton, Materie sei schlecht – zerquetscht, Kirche erfindet ihren Glauben, aus Gott und Ho, ich bin auch mitten drin aber hier ist ein Schlachtfeld. Das einzig wahre. Statt gerecht zu funktionieren, welche Welt, welches Mit, welche Welt, wessen Zukunft? Leute, die über Ungleichheit empört sind, die aber…WeiterlesenMitweltenwandern (1)

Civic diversity Environmental language fortresses not civic exchange More ways of eliminating the civil society

Companion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode

Companion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode This is a paradox: People choosing rhetorics to address speciesist-eating-behaviour by saying “what about you ate that other Nonhuman then?“ – the carnist approach in circumventing the bigger picture – however saying at the same time: “Do not pass…WeiterlesenCompanion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode

fortresses not civic exchange Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH

Untermining Animal Liberation by saying full Antispe wasn’t necessary at all

Untermining Animal Liberation by saying full Antispe wasn’t necessary at all People trying to undermine Antispeciesism from within. The “Animal Lib” movement in the German speaking countries promotes the stance, that Antispe isn’t important on a full scale [1]. At the same time they support the so called “Nyeleni” movement…WeiterlesenUntermining Animal Liberation by saying full Antispe wasn’t necessary at all

Dazu müssen wir noch etwas schreiben Offensichtlichkeiten

Hass und Solidarität, hatred and solidarity

draft on the pendulum of inner human hate and solidarity, 15.1.23 Predominant structures in our societies imply that people (on the individual and on the collective basis) work with oppressive patterns. Even when we are affected by racism, sexism, ableism, classism, the experience of oppressive patterns in society does not…WeiterlesenHass und Solidarität, hatred and solidarity

Civic diversity fortresses not civic exchange

Opportunistic People Today (1)

Opportunistic people who cater to some general interests of intersecting nation-state type of mindsets … use such a tool as the Fediverse and Mastodon only as a means to an end, and not for forming an open global society. They logically don’t admit their own awareness of the obvious to…WeiterlesenOpportunistic People Today (1)

Environmental language kommunikationsenklaven

Environmental Justice towards Nature

Why do we assume by majority that we need to protect and preserve the world, „nature“, because of our obligation to other people and to ourselves, the coming generation, but not to change the behavior and thinking that caused world destruction in the first place? We thus assume, as can…WeiterlesenEnvironmental Justice towards Nature