Es ist eine zweischneidige Sache, aber gibt es eigentlich eine Diskussion über eine bewusste Abgrenzung gegenüber der Werbeindustrie, seitens der Community, die einen kritischen dekolonialen Diskurs voranbringen will? Konsumerismus wird aktuell unter neuen Vorzeichen gefördert. — It’s a double-edged sword, but is there actually a discussion about a conscious differentiation…WeiterlesenConsumerism, still the big culprit
Kategorie: Environmental language
Merke: es gibt immer nur das, was wir als evident betrachten. Das ist aber nicht nihilistisch gedacht, sondern weist lediglich auf den Faktor Respekt vor den schwer fassbaren Phänomenen hin. — Note: there is always only that what we consider as evident. But this is not thought nihilistically, but only…WeiterlesenEvidenzkaskaden
The anthropogenic imperatives ‘Decolonial’ equally has its way in which is entails hegemonial anthropocentrism. I just heard a basically very typically animal objectifying and biologistically speciesist phrase in the context of a decolonial vegan project, namely the Aotearoa Liberation League > accessed 29.09.23. „Is veganism just about the animals…WeiterlesenThe anthropogenic imperatives
Geologies Perceiving plurality as a state of passivity, you fix the imaginary damage, intended by yourself, to create, with self-serving clusters, what collectivist interest extracts. Your „masses“ echo: welcome to the vacuum. However, somehow else facts are traded in geologies. — Geologien Pluralität als Zustand der Passivität betrachtend, reparierst du…WeiterlesenGeologies / Geologien
The false agenda from greenwashing to the undifferentiatedness of watering down effective approaches to animal rights to keeping human rights a feeble contractualist imbalance Again and again, we have to deal with people who pack animal rights issues into their agendas and benefit massively from the fact that people hope…WeiterlesenThe false agenda
Geldpaläste aus CO2-neutralem Stahlbeton, Materie sei schlecht – zerquetscht, Kirche erfindet ihren Glauben, aus Gott und Ho, ich bin auch mitten drin aber hier ist ein Schlachtfeld. Das einzig wahre. Statt gerecht zu funktionieren, welche Welt, welches Mit, welche Welt, wessen Zukunft? Leute, die über Ungleichheit empört sind, die aber…WeiterlesenMitweltenwandern (1)
Companion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode This is a paradox: People choosing rhetorics to address speciesist-eating-behaviour by saying “what about you ate that other Nonhuman then?“ – the carnist approach in circumventing the bigger picture – however saying at the same time: “Do not pass…WeiterlesenCompanion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode
In the German-speaking D/A/CH we have vegan/AWRL activists who criticize ecofeminism, without making things concrete, a tidbit > the Western English speaking countries you have a lot of proponents of #ecofeminism The international level > no tied ends. — on Animal Objectification (@farmtiere) January 1, 2023 The way…WeiterlesenFrom Ecofeminism to Religion with Austrian welfare starlets
Why do we assume by majority that we need to protect and preserve the world, „nature“, because of our obligation to other people and to ourselves, the coming generation, but not to change the behavior and thinking that caused world destruction in the first place? We thus assume, as can…WeiterlesenEnvironmental Justice towards Nature
A „Worldmandala“ Talking about the environment (Coworld and Withworld) Animal testing > Climate Speciesism in art > Climate Bodily ’slaughter‘ > climate … Nature > destruction of the life that in itself makes up and creates ecosystems > Climate Not being able to live in the sea > Climate Interrelations…WeiterlesenDominium terrae and communication