Companion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode This is a paradox: People choosing rhetorics to address speciesist-eating-behaviour by saying “what about you ate that other Nonhuman then?“ – the carnist approach in circumventing the bigger picture – however saying at the same time: “Do not pass…WeiterlesenCompanion Animals in microsanctuary squats and insisting on the outraged mode
Kategorie: fortresses not civic exchange
You don’t want to be considered “a perpetrator”, you want to be “free of guilt”, but then, through your actions, you put the other willingly into a position, that ought to be distinguishable for everyone as that of a “victimized”. The evil comes from the source that supposedly ought to…WeiterlesenSocieties can cultivate their evils unhindered
Added note: For those who might mistake activism with the strife for making a personal career, and thus ponder about questions of „personal gain“ or „personal failure“: The constant inbuilt dissappointment on a social level is not something that lands with the activist personally. Dissappointment in activism is not a…WeiterlesenWhere activism and social disempowerment part
Playing billard with Nazis about Animality Just a short simple note: The Austrian activist Martin Balluch says the Christian sect “Universelles Lebens” need protection as a religious minority and they should not be put into the same category as Neo-Nazis: Screenshot: 17.01.2023 Balluch criticizes another activist, Colin Goldner, who…WeiterlesenPlaying billard with Nazis about Animality
Untermining Animal Liberation by saying full Antispe wasn’t necessary at all People trying to undermine Antispeciesism from within. The “Animal Lib” movement in the German speaking countries promotes the stance, that Antispe isn’t important on a full scale [1]. At the same time they support the so called “Nyeleni” movement…WeiterlesenUntermining Animal Liberation by saying full Antispe wasn’t necessary at all
In the German-speaking D/A/CH we have vegan/AWRL activists who criticize ecofeminism, without making things concrete, a tidbit > the Western English speaking countries you have a lot of proponents of #ecofeminism The international level > no tied ends. — on Animal Objectification (@farmtiere) January 1, 2023 The way…WeiterlesenFrom Ecofeminism to Religion with Austrian welfare starlets
Opportunistic people who cater to some general interests of intersecting nation-state type of mindsets … use such a tool as the Fediverse and Mastodon only as a means to an end, and not for forming an open global society. They logically don’t admit their own awareness of the obvious to…WeiterlesenOpportunistic People Today (1)