fortresses not civic exchange more short and shorter notes Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH

Talking behind people’s backs

When German „friends and acquaintances“ talk racist about you and others behind backs and this is „normality“, wow big deal the same crap is going in any chat groups. The people who act upset about it might want to evoke an impression that racist blubber was kind of „unusual“. To…WeiterlesenTalking behind people’s backs

Environmental language fortresses not civic exchange kommunikationsenklaven More ways of eliminating the civil society Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH zeitgeschichtliche Heimatkunde zivilgesellschaftliche Vielfalt

Mitweltenwandern (1)

Geldpaläste aus CO2-neutralem Stahlbeton, Materie sei schlecht – zerquetscht, Kirche erfindet ihren Glauben, aus Gott und Ho, ich bin auch mitten drin aber hier ist ein Schlachtfeld. Das einzig wahre. Statt gerecht zu funktionieren, welche Welt, welches Mit, welche Welt, wessen Zukunft? Leute, die über Ungleichheit empört sind, die aber…WeiterlesenMitweltenwandern (1)

More ways of eliminating the civil society Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH

What’s wrong with Frankfurt am Main

The taste of smear campaign against the former Frankfurt mayor Peter Feldmann ist obvious. Politicians from the federal level, in comparison, don’t get much investigation into the cases the’re involved into and people react with less suspicion about them. Feldmann leaves the SPD in disspointment. Not all is well with…WeiterlesenWhat’s wrong with Frankfurt am Main

Civic diversity fortresses not civic exchange Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH

Playing billard with Nazis about Animality

Playing billard with Nazis about Animality Just a short simple note: The Austrian activist Martin Balluch says the Christian sect “Universelles Lebens” need protection as a religious minority and they should not be put into the same category as Neo-Nazis:   Screenshot: 17.01.2023 Balluch criticizes another activist, Colin Goldner, who…WeiterlesenPlaying billard with Nazis about Animality

fortresses not civic exchange Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH

Untermining Animal Liberation by saying full Antispe wasn’t necessary at all

Untermining Animal Liberation by saying full Antispe wasn’t necessary at all People trying to undermine Antispeciesism from within. The “Animal Lib” movement in the German speaking countries promotes the stance, that Antispe isn’t important on a full scale [1]. At the same time they support the so called “Nyeleni” movement…WeiterlesenUntermining Animal Liberation by saying full Antispe wasn’t necessary at all

Civic diversity kommunikationsenklaven Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH zeitgeschichtliche Heimatkunde zivilgesellschaftliche Vielfalt

Geschlechtlichkeit sukzessiv ablegen

„In Lauterbach hab‘ ich meine Geschlechtlichkeit verlor’n“ Weg vom Fokus auf Sexualität, Geschlecht und Geschlechtlichkeit – away from the focus on sex, sexuality and Gender draft 10.01.2023 Das Konzept von „Geschlecht“ setzt eine gewisse Fixiertheit oder einen besonderen Fokus auf sexuelle Marker und sexuelle Aspekte. Sexualität und Geschlecht ist etwas,…WeiterlesenGeschlechtlichkeit sukzessiv ablegen

Civic diversity Environmental language fortresses not civic exchange Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH

From Ecofeminism to Religion with Austrian welfare starlets

In the German-speaking D/A/CH we have vegan/AWRL activists who criticize ecofeminism, without making things concrete, a tidbit > https://t.co/ASvrDAoxYUIn the Western English speaking countries you have a lot of proponents of #ecofeminism The international level > no tied ends. https://t.co/jcKbShGKA5 — on Animal Objectification (@farmtiere) January 1, 2023 The way…WeiterlesenFrom Ecofeminism to Religion with Austrian welfare starlets

Tidbits on the voelkisches Selbstverstaendnis in the mainstreamed Germany and DACH

Eastern by Nature

What mindset does it need for a German band to make a „hiphop“ song called „nordisch by nature“ („nordic by nature“) in an obvious allusion to the HipHop band’s name „Naughty by Nature“, with the given background of the historically recent and ongoing idea about a „nordic“ race. What demarcation…WeiterlesenEastern by Nature