Behinderung und Kunst, im Hier und Jetzt, genau jetztThis is a rant again, I am not sure if I need to apologize for ranting so often, but just recently I read this statement about disability rage and maybe, yes, maybe it simply is inevitable to feel rage about a lot of good will and how stifled all our anti-abelist endeavours in society may sometime turn out to be.
Why can help be stifling, in particular in this one field we currently have this feeling of unimmediateness and being stifled: talking about creativity and arts.
It seems like for overcoming ableism as an artist you have to enter the virtual and organized disability arts world. It’s not their fault.
It’s just > as long as you have to severely fight with albeism, you just do get swallowed up still by these organisations that fit into the hapless insitutional model of ableism: you end up in contexts that seem patronizing, i.e. in (very exclicitly) able-bodied let art groups and stuff.
How do you make the jump out of these contexts?
Our situation is that a >
disabled personal assistant, who happens to be an artist themselves, is trying to support
> an artist with a disablity that is faslely still categorized as a cognitive impairment. But this only because the sydrome we talk about here involves speech and langiange “impairment” – differences in movement. We get a double layer of discrimination-levels here.
Using AAC plus Multimodal Communication and having an speech assistant who is not properly installed as such, where other involved assistants that have to be being relied upon themselves do have ableist views on the person with a speaking-disability.
Communication rights and ableism are a huge sad thing, and we run without hardly support.
You may be able to see that this is a real difficult situation that we face.
I better end at this point, feeling like a small boat in a huge shaky ocean … . The difficult thing is pressing on, living with frustrations, not giving up but also not making any harmful hurtful wrong “compromises”.