Plurality is equally a Disability issue Not all disabled people are on a same page. Forget about this classifying generalizing little helpful illusion. The barriers differ, the barrier experiences differ, the political stances are just as different as they are generally in society. No accord but it’s also not necessary…Continue readingPlurality is equally a Disability issue
Tag: ponderings about divergences
Oxymoronic life #WorldMentalHealthDay Reminder: Diagnoses mixes cases, stories, motives, actions. Keep being scrutinous of those who use them on others or who insist on wanting to use them on themselves. Both in the end of the day promote upholding an allround dangerous system.Continue readingMixing minds in terminology
Sind Diagnosen die das geistige Leben anbetreffen hinterfragbar? (Fragment weiter unten.) Mind the Diagnosis? Diagnoses about the mind are > medicalized biologisations and > limitations in other broadly sociologistically and philosophically still adaptable terms > that claim a critiqueable objective terrain of knowing someone else’s ‘life of mind’. Psychologically it’s…Continue readingMind the Diagnosis? Sind Diagnosen die das geistige Leben anbetreffen hinterfragbar?
A start: Gender and pathologization I think Sigmund Freud mistook a “penis disgust” or rather maybe a “genital disgust” overall, even a rejection of a sexualization of gender as “penis envy”. Apart from that, “envy” is a questionable notion to diagnose as a “pathological trait” in people.Continue readingOn gender (1)