Fotostrecke Tschördy Yegane Arani

Scans of photos 15th September 2021

At the Barrier Block in Brixton London, we hung around in squats here in the early 80ies. I’ve taken these photos some time in the 90ies though.

Mid eithies, me looking like a post-punk / new romantic / hippie punk cross-over at that time.

Staying with friends in Limburg, TMA (aka as “cryptic letter-writing-culture exchange at the youth-center” !!!) took that pic of me (my right side was short and pink at that time, I later didn’t like it and cut that pic out a bit.

My Dad and me with my Mum in Kreta – Farangis took the photo 🙂

Zal and Rostam Yegane Arani laying in front of our former and long-time house in Bundenweg 7 in Frankfurt. I loved the Birch. We have/had two Birches there … . We move out this year (2021) and they will ‘deforest’ our small ecotope-garden (699 square meters incl. the house though – the house is supposed to be torn down too). We have/had more than 15 Trees small and big in our ecotope/garden. I could die because of losing the Trees here.

My dearly beloved Tschördy Yegane Arani in our former garden.

A neighbor from a bit further down the street, whom we never spoke to before, came up to us today as we were busy putting out trash (things we can’t repair, etc.). He said he always found it interesting that we used to have a sign at the entrance with the former name of our initiative called “Veganswines”. He said also that he will extremely miss our garden, since it’s so ‘wild’/natural and “nicht-spießig”.

Other neighbours from up the street who walk their sweet Dog down the street usually, also said to us they will miss the garden and worry about what will be built here, etc.

In brackets sagt mein “akualisiertes Ich”:

Ein “Du” das mein “Ich” mit bestimmt, ist nicht unbedingt ein allgemeines “Du”, sondern bestimmte “Dus”, man wählt persönlich schon aus. In vielen Freund*innen in der Vergangenheit habe ich mich getäuscht. Molavi schreibt irgendwo in seinem Mathnawi, dass das einzige, was man von den meisten vergangenen Freundschaften “hat” oder einem von diesen zurückbleibt, ist, dass man sich über sie ärgert und wünschte man hätte diese Menschen niemals kennen gelernt. Im 12. Jahrhundert hat man also ähnliche emotionale Eindrücke über das Zusammensein mit Menschen sammeln dürfen. Sowas ändert sich halt niemals, wie es scheint. Aber es gibt und gab ja auch immer noch andere Individuen außer den “Freund*innen” der Vergangenheit. Die wichtigen Bünde, mit denen man seine roten Fäden spinnt.

(My “other sister” would say: “she is making her individual show again”. I say: selfies as a form of maybe silly radical self-care can sometimes be tolerable or at least excusable for someone with a low self-estemms I think.)

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